Hmmmm, the G20 protests............
I personally would have loved to have gone along and voiced my disgust at our current, grossly bloated corporate system, but I didn't because the media and police hype made me instantly suspicious. There are many incidents in history of provocateurs planted in protests and strikes, it's a simple equation, if they don't want what you're saying to reach the ears of the general public, trouble is conveniently started and the real message becomes distorted. In the end the only thing they get to see in their living rooms on the evening news are pictures of violence and whatever the police do in that situation can be justified by saying they were provoked.
It seems to me that because the vast majority of people who are anti- corporate/ anti- globalization etc. could actually give a reasoned debate on their points of view, our so- called leaders decided long before the event that something had to be done to distract people.
This neatly explains both the convenient pockets of violence that I'm sure were 'encouraged' in some way and the attempted provocation by the police. The overall aim of the police violence meted out to Ian Tomlinson, the woman in the crowd, and I'm sure many others was to get the protesters to lash out at the police- giving them an excuse to start really cracking down, not just at that protest but ANY OTHER TIME after where the basic right to legitimate dissent might be exercised.
It has happened before many times- and we have evidence they are starting to use the same old tactics. Anyone who is familiar with protests in the 70's and 80's will remember such illuminated ideas as the Special Patrol Group. If you will also remember, it was a favourite tactic of the police to remove their identifying numbers in order to get away with extreme acts of violence.
During the infamous Battle of the Beanfield in 1985 the police were incredibly brutal, when watching the clip below, please bear in mind that in some of those buses and vans are New Age Traveller FAMILIES- not 18 year old middle- class idiots who get daddy to bail them out from court when they let loose for the afternoon (that happened after the G20!)
There were kids in those caravans and buses!
Also notice the lack of ID on the riot squads-
WARNING: Police brutality happens when they think they will be unaccountable for their action!
Please watch this clip:
I am using this as an example of why the fact that the police thought it was ok to hide their faces and prevent their identification was a not an 'anti- terror' measure, or whatever their excuse will be, this is a way of creating trouble without having to explain their actions- pure and simple. If they would go this far for people who just wanted to celebrate the solstice at Stonehenge, what will they do when people are really angry?
Throughout recent history Police forces have been used for the furthering of the goals of some really unpleasant groups. The obvious ones are the Gestapo, the KGB and the current Chinese police force, I could go on, but you know all that anyway. Why do we think our Government would be any different? It's a nasty thought but most of the major dictatorships in our history started out as “Left- wing” parties. In Germany it was the National Socialists, in parts of Asia- Communism, why would Labour not turn out any different? All the hallmarks are there! The only difference today is that there are many who are aware that “Left and Right” in politics do not exist, we have to get past labels and see that there is only one way to govern and that is through Common Sense.
They are trying to prevent the free and natural expression of dissent, the basic right to question the system we are forced to exist in. By any means necessary- getting or encouraging small, well- placed groups to cause violence or letting a few cops stir up peaceful demonstrators by giving them a sneaky dig or two.
What's the answer to this?
How do you have a successful demonstration where the General public can actually hear what you're trying to say? Where the legitimate questions people have can be brought out into the open and debated properly?
How do you express yourself to the people who are in charge when they obviously couldn't care less what you think, they'll go ahead and do whatever the hell they like?
Is this a democracy we are living in?