Yes its true ive joined the masses in the hunt for that elusive bargain to make my fortune on
ive mainly been buying and reselling playstation 1 games by the bucket load some 150-250
items ive purchased mostly rare games such as resident evil,legend of dragoon,tombi,risk,
breath of fire, among many others the thing is i find it alot of fun making a profit on what i
buy and resell. Have i joined the profiteering mongerers of the world i hear the the middle aged
anarchist scream i suppose in away i have ive also found a chron gen live recording i didnt have in my collection which was cool among other little goodies ive bought , theres also downsides
to ebay recieving goods not as stated in there listings,things going missing in the post,other
ebayers trying to swindle a quick buck, but i suppose on the whole the last few months of ebay
has been an interesting one and pretty much enjoyable one anyway this is a pretty poor attemp on posting a topic on this joint blog started by mr Nuzz my future posts im sure will be alot
better and much more engrosing for the reader ide love too hear your thoughts on ebay and
your experiences.